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Can You Think Yourself Rich?

KH writes: "Just wondering what you can tell me about T. Harv Eker, his program Peak Potentials and his book 'The Secret of the Millionaire Mind. I know he quotes Marianne Williamson in the book which immediately raises questions."

I can sum up my answer to this question in five words: Stay away from Harv Eker.

Quoting Marianne Williamson, the queen of the notorious New Age Course in Miracles, is the least of the problems associated with T. Harv Eker. His Secret of the Millionaire Mind and large group awareness sessions which are conducted through his Peak Potentials business, are just a new spin on the same old "you-can-think-yourself-rich" idea.

These are all based in the New Thought philosophy of the 19th century which was essentially a mind-healing movement. It's "god" is akin to a universal intelligence that permeates the universe (otherwise known as pantheism). Although the movement has no single creed, its fundamental teaching is that spirit is more powerful than matter and that "right thinking" has the ability to heal the body (and make people rich).

New Thought philosophy was a natural fit for the modern New Age movement whose proponents co-opted it into what is now known as the Human Potential Movement - a conglomeration of self-help therapies and large group awareness training programs. These practices encompass the notion of positive thinking, the law of attraction, creative visualization, personal enrichment and a variety of energy-based healing modalities.

This is quite obvious in Eker's Secret of the Millionaire Mind which is based on the notion that the root cause of financial success, or what he calls "your money blueprint," is the way you think, feel and act about money. He claims there are inner (unconscious) and outer (conscious) laws of money and if we don't like the state of our finances, all we have to do is "reset" our money blueprint to a higher level.

Additionally, in checking for possible scam information about Eker and Peak Potentials, I did come across some very disturbing information.

First of all, this testimony from a conference attendee reports several cult-like practices that took place during one of Eker's seminars, such as demanding that attendees keep everything they hear a secret, and employing a number of mind-control tactics.

But it gets worse. Check out this site which contains a long list of complaints from people who signed up for courses and were bilked out of thousands of dollars when the company refused to refund their money.

Like I said, stay away from Harv Eker (and his ilk). If you want to make more money, do it the old-fashioned way - by working harder.

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