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Exorcist Explains Devil's Special Hatred of Women

Immaculate ConceptionThere's a reason why more women experience demonic possession than men, says exorcist Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi.

CPCB Online Radio reports on a talk given by Rome-based theologian and exorcist Father Joseph Iannuzzi at Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines on June 13, 2013 on the subject of the devil's special hatred for the Mother of God and for women.

“I am quite familiar with Satan’s hatred toward Mary and therefore, toward women in general on account of Mary,” Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi said.

Satan is humiliated by the Blessed Virgin because God chose her, a pure and humble woman, to defeat him.

“[Satan] is like a mad man. He can’t get to Mary; she’s confirmed in grace, she defeated him. So he looks for other women,” said the priest, who assisted the legendary Father Gabriele Amorth, former chief exorcist for the diocese of Rome.

According to Amorth, women are more “easily exposed to the danger of the devil” which is why statistics show more women are possessed by evil spirits than men.

Fr. Iannuzzi said the devil particularly likes to prey upon attractive women and has personally encountered numerous cases of possessed women who were forced to prostitute themselves.

The hand of Satan can also be found in the so-called "women's rights" issues such as abortion and access to contraception.

Since it is the devil’s plan to “ape God, to mock God,” Fr. Iannuzzi said, he also “employs the woman in the destruction, the breakdown of the family nucleus.”

Under the guise of "rights", women use contraception and avail themselves of abortion, destroying their fertility and their offspring which does grave harm to themselves, their marriages and their families.

However, women do not have some kind of intrinsic flaw that makes them so susceptible to demonic possession, he said; it is more like a diabolical loathing by substitution that makes them the special prey of the devil.

Satan is “avenging himself” because of Mary’s role as described in the Protoevangelium, Fr. Iannuzzi said.

Citing Genesis 3:15 where God announces that He will "put enmity between you and the woman", he explained that Satan is unable to resist being envious of Mary's “efficacious power that exceeds that of all other creatures.”

He concluded by saying the Blessed Virgin Mary is powerful because "she is totally abandoned to the will of God."

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