" . . . I had to check out if my uneasy feeling and intuition were validated. I googled her and I think that my intuition was merited because when I saw her blog it definitely seemed very new age. I immediately removed the prayer meditation off the prayers that I have downloaded on YouTube. I think Mother Mary my guardian angel and the holy spirit were warning me that something wasn't right.”
You were indeed warned away from this New Age practitioner who is no doubt luring many Catholics into the worship of false angels and saints with her “ministry.”
For those who have never heard of her, Eileen Anglin calls herself an Angelic Energy Artist , Angel Channel, angel empowerment life coach, and Angelic Light Ray Master Healer and a Reiki Master.
“I write, paint, teach and life coach with the archangels to empower, heal and elevate your life. To create global change, one heart at a time,” she writes on her website.
The only problem is the “archangels” she’s consorting with are not those of the Bible. Her version of Sts. Michael and Raphael are of the New Age variety, sharing a place with other fictitious angels such as Chamuel who she invites clients to “spend an entire day with . . . to raise your vibration.”
One of the services she offers is to paint a portrait of our guardian angels. She claims “having a face to connect with” can lead to a deeper, richer relationship with our angel. Being an “angel channel”, she promises to connect with your angel where she will “see their image” and “merge with their energy” in order to paint a portrait you can use in prayer.
This statement is erroneous on a number of levels, including the fact that real angels are spiritual beings who were never created to have a body – which means there’s no face to paint a portrait of!
Ms. Anglin is also an Archangel Empowerment Coach who offers a 12 week empowerment “Enhanced Transformational Package” which includes one 90 minute call per week for 12 weeks along with a 15 minute encouragement call, Angelic Light Ray Energy phone sessions “to clear, raise up, and support your energetically for your new inspired life”, MP3 downloads and an 8 x 10 Angel Energy art print signed by her. She offers the entire package for just $2,222 which is a $538 value! (She accepts credit cards, of course.)
Her website also claims that all kinds of wonderful things have happened to people who used her services such as finding committed love, increasing income, finding self-esteem and confidence, as well as increasing the connection “to their higher self and the angels.”
The prayer to Our Lady that KM mentions in her email is a YouTube video entitled, “Prayer to Mother Mary for Peace and Healing of the Heart” which is one of many recorded prayers that she narrates on YouTube. She also offers a “Prayer to the Angels for Your Life’s Purpose. A Healer and Lightworker’s Prayer,” “A Morning Prayer for Lightworkers”, “Prayer to Archangel Uriel to Heal and Release Anger,” among many others.
Even though some of these prayers sound fine, we must always consider the source, which is a person who is engaged in occult practices such as channeling which the Lord condemns in Scripture (see Deuteronomy 18:10). God would not contradict Himself by allowing His angels or His Mother to consort with someone who is engaged in these practices.
We cannot judge the heart of Ms. Anglin, but we can certainly pray that she might discover the one true God – in all of His great glory – and leave behind these lackluster imitations!
Beware of phony angels! Our New Age blog contains many articles about the scams and deceptions about angels that abound in the New Age movement. Click here for the blog index!