Women of Grace® Event Details

Book Study - The Story of a Soul by St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Women of Grace Book Study - The Story of a Soul

by, St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Book study sessions, led by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, will consist of assigned reading material, study questions, and participant discussion. Assignments, study questions, and points for discussion will be provided via email every week!

- 9 weeks, Monday evenings, starting February 17th

- Online Instruction and Discussion

- Study Questions

-Book must be purchased separately

You will ...

...gain insight into the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and learn how she was shaped and guided by her extraordinary family

...be inspired by a young heart that constantly yearned for Jesus

...learn of the determination of young girl wanting to enter religious life


...be changed by this beautiful autobiography of one of our most beloved saints!

Two and a half years before her death in 1897 at the age of 24, as Thérèse Martin began writing down her childhood memories at the request of her blood sisters in the Lisieux Carmel, few could have guessed the eventual outcome. Yet this "story of my soul," first published in 1898 in a highly edited version, quickly became a modern spiritual classic, read by millions and translated into dozens of languages around the world. 

Decades later, in response to growing requests from scholars and devotees of the Saint, a facsimile edition of the manuscripts appeared, along with more popular French editions of what the Saint had actually written. Here, expressed with all of Thérèse's original spontaneity and fervor, we rediscover the great themes of her spirituality: confidence and love, the "little way," abandonment to God's merciful love, and her "mission" in the church and world today. 

Father John Clarke's acclaimed translation, first published in 1975 and now accepted as the standard throughout the English-speaking world, is a faithful and unaffected rendering of Thérèse's own words, from the original manuscripts. This new edition, prepared for the centenary of the Saint's death, includes a select bibliography of recent works in English on Thérèse, along with a new referencing system now widely used in studies of her doctrine. Includes general and biblical index, with 8 pages of photos.

Any translation of this book by Father John Clarke, even with a different cover, will be suitable for this book study.

Event Date/Time(s)

START: Monday, February 17 at 7:30 PM US/Eastern
END: Monday, April 14 at 8:30 PM US/Eastern

Event Information

COST: $90 (Book purchased separately.)
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Event Speakers

  • Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

    Susan Brinkmann, O.C.D.S., is an author and award-winning journalist who is a member of the Third Order of Discalced Carmelites. She serves as the Director of Communications and New Age Research for Women of Grace® and is a frequent guest on EWTN's Women of Grace® television show. Susan formerly worked as a Correspondent for the Catholic Standard & Times, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. For the last 10 years she has been the lead researcher for Women of Grace’s New Age Q&A Blog which is the largest blog of its kind in the world. The library of information now exceeds 1200 entries on everything from acupuncture and angels to wicca and yoga. She has also authored eleven books, including the Learn to Discern Compendium: Is it Christian or New Age, and her latest book, Day by Day in the Little Way: 365 reflections on the Teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux.  Along with Johnnette Williams, she co-authored the Young Women of Grace Study Program which teaches girls ages 13+ about what it means to be authentically feminine. The Catholic Guide to Mindfulness, was published by Avila Institute, and her Like a Catholic series, which has imprimaturs from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, was published by the Catholic Life Institute Press. Her national journalism awards include the Bernadine-O'Connor Award for Pro-Life Journalism, the Eileen Egan Journalism Award from Catholic Relief Services, and numerous awards from the Catholic Press Association and the Philadelphia Press Association.