About Isabelle Liberatore

Isabelle Liberatore has been a member of the Women of Grace team for nearly a decade. Her professional career began in the Information Technology industry but after returning to her Catholic faith, she had a deep hunger to work for the Lord. A friend persuaded her to become a volunteer at Living His Life Abundantly, now called Women of Grace. She is currently the Director of Administration and Development and works with volunteers, staff and donors to support the organization’s mission to “transform the world one woman at a time.” Isabelle and her husband of 14 years are both cancer survivors and they have many spiritual children through their work and ministry.

Mountaintop Moments at Malvern!

The recently held 8th Annual Women of Grace Retreat at Malvern Retreat House and Benedicta Leadership Institute were an overwhelming success!

groupshotThere was a maximum capacity crowd of spirit-filled women who were excited and open to receive the grace that was poured out upon them by Our Lord.

Speakers included Johnnette Benkovic, Fr. Philip Scott, F.J., Patti Gallagher Mansfield, Susan Brinkmann, O.C.D.S. and Carol Marquardt who each gave wonderful messages of hope and inspiration, the fruits of which are still unfolding.  Our guests of highest honor were the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit who were present with us in palpable and life-changing ways throughout the weekend. Read the rest…

Women of Grace Takes Lafayette by Storm!

We are always thrilled to hear the many wonderful things happening with Women of Grace® across the country.

Recently, the region of Lafayette has come in like a hurricane.  Regional Coordinator, Brenda Dooley, invited us to give a Facilitator Training day during Johnnette’s recent participation in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans, Holy Spirit Women’s Retreat. Read the rest…

Women of Grace Celebrate Sisterhood and Our Lady of Guadalupe

Regional Coordinator, Treva Dillick, gives an account of Women of Grace celebrating their sacred sisterhood on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“Three years ago the first Women of Grace Foundational Study was presented at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Doylestown Ohio. That group of 12 women decided that after each Foundational Study concludes an invitation would be sent out to every woman who has attended the study previously. The celebrations includes a cover dish dinner and the greeting of the new sacred sisters who just finished the study and are receiving their WOG certificate of completion. Read the rest…