We recently had a request to look into a motivational training program known as The Sterling Institute of Relationship and what we found was quite a bit controversy surrounding this outfit.
Author Archives: Susan Brinkmann
Should You Walk the Labyrinth?
SA writes: “I was told that the Catholic Church does not approve of the use of labryinths for prayer. Yet I see so many priests and nuns engaged in and teaching this type of practice. When I tell other Catholics this is not a Catholic practice, but New Age, they say it is nobody’s business how they choose to pray. I have found confusing data regarding this matter. Would you please enlighten me?”
The Problem with Iridology
The is the second of a two-part question from AR: “ . . . (M)y mother is very much into alternative medicine and healthy eating, etc, and I grew up going to an iridologist and have been amazed at some of the things she picked up on in my body. For instance, she noticed “irritation” in my lower back, and a few years later, due to strenuous activity, I thought I had developed a seriously problematic spinal condition, but doctors said I was either born with or it happened when I was a baby and was just aggravated by the activity. Anyway, even if you think iridology is bologna, it doesn’t seem to be problematic with our faith, as it’s not like its reading palms or anything whacky like that…it is looking at the iris and seeing if something is not quite right. BUT, I still wanted to check with you all.”
Beware of Emails from St. Benedict’s Prayer Wall
CF writes: “I started getting these emails and they seemed ok until I got this email from them. Since I was unfamiliar with the “Archangel Asrael, I looked it up and this archangel is the angel of death in Islam. I also found a disclaimer that was odd, claiming they were sending these daily messages for “entertainment only.” I have since unsubscribed. Just wanted your take on this as I think they want to send these to people who are true prayer warriors.”
The Dark History of the Ouija Board
Most people are familiar with the story behind the movie, The Exorcist, about a little boy who became possessed by a devil after trying to reach his deceased aunt through an Ouija board. But what they don’t know is that this is only one of many horror stories associated with dabblers in what was once-called the “talking board.”
Our Lady of Fatima and Women’s Role in World Peace
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
History was made in May 2017 when Women of Grace® founder, Johnnette Benkovic, now Johnnette Williams, delivered a message about the dignity and vocation of women on the world stage at the United Nations – a message delivered while standing in the shadow of the same Pilgrim Virgin Statue that first visited this global entity 65 years ago!
Vedic vs. Western Astrology
The Power of Sound: Can it Really Cure Autism, Dyslexia, ADD and Other Learning Disorders?
PR writes: “About ten years ago, my daughter who had some signs of autism was referred for Tomatis Therapy by her Speech Therapist. We had her in this type of therapy, as well as auditory integration therapy for several months. The therapy did terrible things to her brain, and we eventually stopped. (Ialso did some kind of sound therapy, which I realize now I should not have done). Is this a type of New Age practice? I am so thankful to EWTN and your program. I have always tried to be a faithful Catholic, but It is almost impossible without the proper resources. This is not information we typically get from our parish priests. Thank you for any information you can give me on this.”
Exorcism Goes Mainstream
The Cursillo Movement
CD asks: “Our parish has started a group under the Cursillo Movement. I am trying to discern if this is something that would enhance my faith and life at as a catholic.I know that Cursillo is a Spanish word for Short Course as the membership begins with a 3 day weekend retreat (ie short course) and the rest of the movement is focused on living the 4th Day. The last Ultreya( regional group reunion) I attended was very uplifting. It is so wonderful to meet so many beautiful souls who love our Lord and strive to grow in His love. Can you shed some light on this Movement as I have not heard much about it. . . . I wish to grow in my faith and walk with our Lord in my vocation as a wife and mother of 3 sons aged 17, 19 and 25.”