Divine Mercy Counterfeit: The Grace Mercy Order

We have had numerous inquiries about a religious order based in Brazil known as the Grace Mercy Order which is promulgating alleged messages from Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph. Even though this order incorporates the Divine Mercy Chaplet into its activities, it is not a Catholic organization and does not reflect a Christian worldview.

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Can Candle Magic Conquer the Coronavirus?

GG asks: “I heard about people who are lighting candles at a certain time every night and reciting an incantation about how the united flames of the candles will eradicate the coronavirus. Is this the same thing Catholics do when they light votive candles?”

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If God never Changes, What Good is Prayer?

We’re living through dire times. The coronavirus has gone viral, we’re laid off from our jobs, forced to wear masks in public and – worst of all – we can’t go to Mass! As the weeks drag on, many have begun to ask that age-old question, “If God is unchanging, is our prayer doing any good?”

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Why are People Howling at the Moon During the Pandemic?

If you were listening to this week’s edition of Wacky Wednesday on Women of Grace Live radio, you heard about a strange new ritual that is cropping up across America since the COVID-19 pandemic began – howling at the moon at a certain time of night. What is this all about?

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Worshipping at the Temple of Gaia

CP asks: “I have an acquaintance who is a member of something known as ‘The Temple of Gaia,’ in Seattle. She has been quite closed-mouthed about this organization; yet, on weekends, she attends services there while her husband attends Christian services. This seems odd to me and I do not trust whatever this is. It seems centered on women’s spirituality and green energy. The woman in question is a former Mormon and is hostile to that faith. Do you have a perspective on this?”

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Finding A Peace That Will Last Beyond the Pandemic

During this time of international crisis, it’s very tempting to employ Eastern meditation techniques such as mindfulness meditation in order to escape our anxiety. But if we want the kind of peace that will carry us through this pandemic and beyond, we need to build it upon the right foundation.

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Why the book “God Calling” is considered occultic

JM writes: “I am concerned about a group of Catholics who have been using the book, “God Calling”.  I heard years ago that it was occultic and I know it is not Catholic, but many enjoy and are amazed at the daily readings and how they kind of “click” with something currently going on in their lives…. I think it is very deceptive.

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