Today is National Star Wars Day and many of the film’s fans will be offering the movie’s famous greeting ,“May the force be with you,” or its pun for the day, “May the fourth be with you.” Judging by world conditions and the strife that abounds both at home and abroad, we could use some force and power to bring relief, order, and justice to our beleaguered globe. Read the rest…
Category Archives: Church news
Time to Fight for Faith-Based Adoption Agencies!
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other faith leaders across the country are calling upon U.S. lawmakers to support the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act which will prevent the government from discriminating against faith-based adoption agencies because of their religious or moral beliefs.
Archbishop Pens Powerful Op-Ed in Local Newspaper
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, who serves as Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty, penned a powerful response to a letter sent to the editor of a Kentucky newspaper by a citizen who expressed concern about his support for the First Amendment Defense Act – a bill which some are claiming will legalize discrimination against the LGBT community.
Exorcism Course Reveals Changing Face of Evil
More than 250 people from 50 countries converged on Rome this week to attend a week-long course on exorcism and discuss the changing face of evil in our day.
Pope Take Steps to Help Ailing Alfie Evans
Pope Francis met with the father of Alfie Evans, a two-year-old suffering from an undiagnosed neurological condition in a hospital seeking the removal of his life support, and has opened the door to allowing the child to be transferred to Bambino Gesu in Rome.
Happy Birthday, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Today marks the 91st birthday of the man said to have been the “main intellectual force in the Church” since the mid-1980’s – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Catholic Homeschools Are Fueling Vocations
Hawaii Bishop Speaks Truth to Power
Bishop Larry Silva of the Diocese of Honolulu wrote a hard-hitting editorial about the new law legalizing assisted suicide in his state and raises serious questions about how it requires people to lie on death certificates and to insurance companies, how it disregards the eternal consequences of this choice and the guilt it imposes on families, and how it sends a dangerous message to youth that sometimes killing yourself is better than living.