Experts Blame Everything but Promiscuity for STD Crisis

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The release of a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which revealed another record high for STD infections in 2017 is being met with the usual response calling for more “safe sex” rather than getting to the root of the problem – rampant promiscuity.

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Catholic High School Under Fire for Professing Faith

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Once again, a Catholic school has come under fire for terminating a guidance counselor after it discovered that she was married to a woman. And, once again, the media has joined with the school’s detractors to pour the gasoline of misrepresentation and the usual incoherent politically correct rhetoric on the flames.

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The Traumatic Impact of Pornography Use on Wives

A leading authority on sexual addition has written a hard-hitting article about the devastating impact a man’s use of pornography can have on his wife and how it can be the most emotionally painful thing a woman ever experiences.

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Credible Threats Made Against Pro-Life Lawmakers

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Authorities have found “very concerning” items in the home of a man arrested for threatening the lives of pro-life lawmakers and their families.

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Secularism and Gynecology: A Disturbing Alliance

The following blog was submitted Nancy B. Mann, Ph.D., a fan of Women of Grace radio who listens to our show every day. She recently had a very disconcerting experience at her gynecologist’s office that revealed the secularism that dominates women’s reproductive health care in the U.S. and generously shares that experience with us here.

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A Deacon/Doctor Confronts Humanae Vitae (Part Three)

After accepting and even celebrating Humanae Vitae and its teachings about love and marriage, in this third part of the series, Deacon Pat discusses options for couples and explains the harm that can be done to both families and society when God’s plan for the creation of life is disobeyed.

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