Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Boy Scouts of America has hammered the last nail in its coffin by officially removing the “Boy” from its name, a decision that has left at least one mother very disappointed.
Today is National Star Wars Day and many of the film’s fans will be offering the movie’s famous greeting ,“May the force be with you,” or its pun for the day, “May the fourth be with you.” Judging by world conditions and the strife that abounds both at home and abroad, we could use some force and power to bring relief, order, and justice to our beleaguered globe. Read the rest…
President Donald J. Trump used the occasion of the National Day of Prayer to sign an executive order establishing a new faith-based office charged with insuring that religious and community organizations have the full support of the government – and he used a powerful conversion story to highlight what a difference faith can make!
Just when you thought the world couldn’t get any worse, along comes this heartwarming story of a little girl’s love for her deceased mother – and the community who made sure that her very special birthday wish could come true.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, who serves as Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty, penned a powerful response to a letter sent to the editor of a Kentucky newspaper by a citizen who expressed concern about his support for the First Amendment Defense Act – a bill which some are claiming will legalize discrimination against the LGBT community.