The parents of a first-grade Canadian student who was left so disturbed by the school’s teachings about gender identity her parents have been forced, due to inaction by the local school board, to appeal to the Human Rights Tribunal for relief.
Category Archives: Cultural
Teen Girls File Complaint Against Transgenders in Women’s Sports
How to Tame the Angry Feminist
For the past five decades, the painful irony is that women, not men, have been their own worst enemy.
Supreme Court Delivers Two Decisive Victories for Religious Freedom
As the Supreme Court comes to the end of this, the justices handed down two rulings that deliver victories to Christians against atheist activists who were trying to strip the words “In God We Trust” from US currency and have a World War I memorial in the shape of a cross removed from public property.
Teen Vogue Promotes Prostitution to Girls
As if promoting abortion, unprotected sex, and anal intercourse to girls was not bad enough, Teen Vogue recently stooped to a new low with an article suggesting that girls should consider “sex work” as a career.
My Little Pony Introduces Lesbian Couple
Supreme Court Hands Victory to Christian Bakers
The embattled Christian bakers who have been fighting for their livelihood ever since they refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding were handed a victory yesterday when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the lower court decision that forced the couple out of business and sent the case back to the state for another look.
Hidden in Plain Sight: How Women Change the World
Women have always been instrumental in spreading the faith. This is the kind of fruit that Christ and his mother are calling us to. That call is not to become radical activists or social justice warriors but to take the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta to heart: If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. That is the place to start.