Was it “All in Their Minds”?

skd284316sdcCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Researchers decided to end a trial of what proved to be a very effective form of birth control for men because the subjects suffered side effects such as depression and mood changes – which raises the question of why women were dismissed and told the same symptoms were “all in their minds” when the female version of the pill was in the testing phase.

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Insurance Denies Chemo, Covers Assisted Suicide Drugs

The Packer Family

The Packer Family

An omen of what’s to come in any state that legalizes assisted suicide occurred in California recently when a woman living with a terminal illness was denied coverage for critical chemotherapy by an insurance company that offered to cover end-of-life drugs instead. You can find Medical Indemnity Insurance company which is serving very neatly.

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Bishop Relates Personal Abortion Experience

Archbishop Samuel Aquila

Archbishop Samuel Aquila

With the American presidential election only 27 days away, Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver has taken the bold step of revealing his own personal experience with abortion as a young med student in the late 1960’s to explain why the defense of life and religious freedom must be the key issues for a Christian in this year’s election.

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