Little Rock Scripture Study

LD writes: “My parish has been using the Little Rock Scripture Study for its weekly bible study for about a year now.  I don’t care for the series but can’t quite put my finger on why.  I certainly don’t think it’s New Age but it doesn’t feel quite Catholic either.  Can you tell me anything about where this series comes from and is it a truly Catholic study?”

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Painful Fallout from Repressed Memory Therapy

49263666_sWe recently received an email from a reader who was concerned about a family member who was becoming increasingly distant from family and the Church after seeing a therapist who was involved in recovered memory therapy. The alleged “facts” about abuse that were brought out in these sessions began to tear the family apart, bit by bit. What was the family to do?

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The 432 vs. 440 Hz Music Conspiracy

14040011 - dj at work, shot in clubWe recently had a question from a reader asking if there was anything New Age about music that had been deliberately recorded at 432 Hz. At first, I thought this question was a little odd, until I looked into it and made a few surprising discoveries.

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Way of Peace Board Game for Children

way of peace board gameMB asks: “We received the gift of a board game called “The Way of Peace” . . . and would like to donate it to their Catholic school for use by school students in their recess or breaks as the students do play other board games. However, I wanted to be sure that this was alright to do.”

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