What’s Up with Norwex?

norwex logoJB writes: “ . . . [O]ver the past few years many of my fellow Catholic moms have started selling Norwex, like Tupperware, but more of a house cleaning thing. At first I was intrigued, but the products seem to lean towards ‘chemicals are bad’ (um not when my kids have gotten sick and I need bleach to clean my toilet, but ok), and after visiting their website something just smelled of population control, or the like. Any ideas?”

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Neuroscience of Music is Serious Study

musicMB asks: “I am a musician and a teacher and I am very much interested in researching about neuroscience of music. It is a basically new field of study since the year 2000. Neuroscientists basically study the impact that music education has on the brain, especially at an early age and how it promotes brain and cognitive development . . . 

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