
“It is a noble achievement for a Christian to have no disputes with anyone. But if by any circumstance or temptation, a dispute arises, let him try to remain composed, even if this means losing.”
(Teaching of the Twelve Apostles)

For Reflection:
How often am I willing to walk away from a confrontation? Do I remain composed by exercising patience? Am I willing to “lose” in charity rather than press my advantage through pride?


“Never rebuke while you are still indignant about a fault committed – wait until the next day, or even longer. And then, calmly, and with a purer intention, make your reprimand. You will gain more by a friendly word than by a three hour quarrel.”
St. Josemaira Escriva

For Reflection:
Wow! For the grace to do exactly that! May God grant me mercy, patience, and wisdom!
(See tomorrow’s Grace Line for another practical insight about patience.)


“The state of marriage is one that requires more virtue and constancy than any other. It is a perpetual exercise in mortification.”
St. Francis de Sales

For Reflection:
To what extent have I discovered this for myself? How can the virtue of patience help me?
(See tomorrow’s Grace Line for some saintly advice about these moments.)


“O religious soul, dove beloved of Christ, behold those little pieces of straw which the world tramples under its feet. They are the virtues practiced by the Saviour and thy Spouse, for which He Himself has set thee an example: humility, meekness, poverty, penance, patience, and mortification.”
St. Anthony of Padua

For Reflection:
Think of three examples of Jesus’ patience as presented to us in Sacred Scripture. Think of three examples of Our Lady. How do the instances of these examples parallel situations I have experienced? Did I exercise patience in these times? I will pray for the grace to do so in the future.


“The Lord was understanding towards His disciples. He had patience with their defects and their less than perfect ways. He did not give up on them. In the years to come these same men would be the pillars of His Church.”
Francis Fernandez

For Reflection:
Who do I most need to be patient with today? How does this quote give me the strength and hope to do so?


“When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, don’t try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time.”
St. Francis de Sales

For Reflection:
What difficulty or contradiction do I need to “bend with gentleness and time?” Can I exercise the necessary patience to do it?