Demonic Infestations and the Unchurched

KH writes: “I have a friend who is a non church-going Lutheran. Her kids that are living at home, are ages 18, 20, 21. Over the past few years they had talked of seeing shadows, noises etc. My friend and I just thought it was their imagination. But recently in the past year, her boys have said a door that is hard to close in basement has slammed several times, the 21 year old boy has heard voices, and was afraid of schizophrenia. . . .

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Women Spend Thousands on Rage Rituals

Instead of learning how to overcome the inevitable hurts and sorrows of life in a healthy way, women are being encouraged to indulge their inner rage by attending screaming ceremonies where they beat the ground with sticks and shriek at the top of their lungs.

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What’s So Dangerous About Core Synchonization Therapy?

TB writes: “A woman I encountered as of late claims that Core Synchronization therapy is an acceptable form of energy medicine. I beg to differ since the word energy is in it. What can you tell me about this practice? Is it like Reiki? Also can you tell me the dangers to a person’s soul who practices Reiki or any kind of energy medicine? For some reason this makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.”

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