Beware of Latest Teen Craze – Charm-Sized Voodoo Dolls

No, this isn’t just a catchy title designed to lure you into reading this article. It’s an actual voodoo doll made out of string that is being imported from Thailand into toy stores around the world with the express purpose of helping children and teens fulfill all of their human desires.

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Is Paranormal State TV for Real?

A faithful WOG BLOG reader asked us what we thought of Ryan Buell and his Paranormal State TV show and after doing a little research I can safely say that there are plenty of good reasons why this particular show was awarded The Truly Terrible Television Award in 2008. Not only does it promote superstition and all kinds of pseudoscientific methods, but it has been accused of staging so-called paranormal activities and even ignoring a “ghost” who needed help.

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The Vast Difference Between Lalaloopsy and Voodoo Dolls

UA writes:  “. . . (M)y daughter 6 years old for Christmas got a doll call lalaloopsy, it says in the box “sew magical , sew cute, but im starting to have the feeling that this doll looks like a budu doll. Please,  if you have some information, I will really appreciate it. I am a young mom trying to raise my kids to love, serve and honor God, and I’m really careful about that. . .”

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