Woman of Grace: St. Josephine Bakhita (1869 – 1947)


It is natural to express thanksgiving for being released from difficult trials and circumstances. But who would be grateful for those who cause such difficult trials or circumstances? This is the stuff of saints — the very stuff of which Saint Josephine Bakhita was made.

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton — A Real Woman of Grace


In my reliquary, I have a first class relic of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native-born American to be canonized. I find it appropriate that a woman was the first of our land to be lifted to the altar of Christ by Holy Mother Church. After all, our country and all of North America is dedicated to the woman: the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our special patroness is also the Blessed Mother under her name, Immaculate Conception. Read the rest…

Women of Grace Grows in Wildwood

A Women of Grace Regional Facilitator Training was recently held at St. Vincent’s Facilitator training Sue J-smallCatholic Church in Wildwood, Florida.

Regional Coordinators, Sue Jacobsen from Millville, NJ and Mary Dillenback, from Fishers Landing, NY were invited by Regional coordinator Nancy Elhajj to train facilitators from St. Vincent’s parish and St. Paul’s parish in Leesburg, FL. There will be Foundational Studies in both parishes starting in January. Read the rest…

Now is the Perfect Time to Plan Your Lenten Study

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Come on a Lenten journey and discover your mission and the gift of your feminine genius through the Women of Grace Foundational Study, “Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life!” Along the way, you will meet sixteen great women saints, receive wisdom from Holy Mother Church, unpack the life-changing wisdom of Sacred Scripture, and discover how the Blessed Virgin Mary is the  exemplar of Christian discipleship and the pathway to her Son, Jesus Christ and into the heart of God the Father. Read the rest…

A Special Message Video Message from Johnnette

Join Our Mission to Transform the World
One Woman at a Time!

A Special Message Video Message from Johnnette

Please join hands in our mission to transform the world one woman at a time.
Your tax-deductible gift will do much to
“aid humanity in not falling.”



Coincidence or God – Incidence? By Paulette Renaudin

MagnificatMagnificat Central Service Team (CST) Member

A few weeks ago, I was privileged, along with CST sister, Diane Bates, to attend the Benedicta Leadership Institute and the National Women of Grace Conference held in Diane’s home parish, St. Francis of Assisi in Grapevine, Texas. What Divine Providence! Nothing is coincidence! The amazing thing was that Johnnette Benkovic had invited Living Praise Worship Team to lead the praise and worship at both events. It was the first time Magnificat CST members, Grapevine Magnificat Chapter’s Leadership, Women of Grace Regional Representatives, and Living Praise were all celebrating under one roof! Coming together under the same anointing was a beautiful experience that only the Holy Spirit could have orchestrated! What a holy exchange of sacred sisterhood! Read the rest…

Women of Grace Brings Hope to Rhode Island

Recently we received an update and pictures from Roberta Morency, a Women of Grace® Facilitator in Rhode Island.


Barrington, Rhode Island celebrated its first Women of Grace Foundational Study Graduation in September, 2015!  This group of like-minded women from several parishes met once a month for nine months at a beautiful location on the campus of Holy Angels Church.   They traveled a common road, exploring their Catholic faith and the incredible gift of womanhood as they were challenged and encouraged to use their feminine gifts to reclaim the culture for Christ.  These precious women were individually unique but grew in fellowship and the bond of Sacred Sisterhood though their journey together.   Read the rest…