Our Lady of Fatima and Women’s Role in World Peace

IMG_2324Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

History was made this year when Women of Grace® founder, Johnnette Benkovic, delivered a message about the dignity and vocation of women to the world stage at the United Nations – a message delivered while standing in the shadow of the same Pilgrim Virgin Statue that first visited this global entity 65 years ago!

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Join the Worldwide Rosary Campaign for Peace

In addition to our own worldwide Rosary campaign here at Women of Grace, at least one million Catholics in Poland have pledged to take up their rosaries on October 7, the 446th anniversary of the victory of the Christian fleet over an armada of Muslim Ottomans, with the hopes of saving their country from the invasion of non-Christian values.

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Women gather in sisterhood to grow, spread and witness faith

by Linda Reeves of The Florida Catholic Staff 

The women gathered in the small conference room at St. Joan of Arc Parish Aug. 26 were graciously greeted by the meeting organizer, and then invited to make the sign of the cross after dipping their fingers in the holy water in a small bottle being circulated around the room.

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Worldwide Rosary Campaigns Underway for October 7

In addition to our own worldwide Rosary campaign here at Women of Grace, at least one million Catholics in Poland have pledged to take up their rosaries on October 7, the 446th anniversary of the victory of the Christian fleet over an armada of Muslim Ottomans, with the hopes of saving their country from the invasion of non-Christian values.

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Albuquerque Conference Brings Healing Amidst the Storm

Johnnette Benkovic addressing women at Women of Grace 2017 Annual Conference in St. Jude Thaddeus Church, Albququerque, NM

While Hurricane Irma was tearing through Florida last weekend, there was a different kind of storm taking place at St. Jude Thaddeus Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico where 230 women were enjoying a downpour of grace from the Lord at the Women of Grace® 2017 National Conference.

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Young Women of Grace Comes to Allentown

Young Women of Grace graduates Anna, Maria,  and Ena

Graduates of the Young Women of Grace program from Regina Academy at St. John the Baptist Church in Ottsville, Pennsylvania traveled to Allentown this past weekend to spread the good news about this exciting new program for teen girls.

The faithful at St. Thomas More parish in Allentown received first-hand testimony about the Young Women of Grace program from three graduates, Maria, Anna, and Ena, who completed the program at Regina Academy this past spring. Accompanied by their facilitator, Mrs. Suze Middleton, they were invited to speak after the 9:00, 10:30 and 12:15 Masses on Sunday morning and share their experience with the congregation.

“In a few weeks, I will be starting high school and will be facing the moral challenges which society offers,” Maria, 14, told the congregation. “God gives all women the gift of maternal love. I have learned through the Young Women of grace program how to use this gift everyday by offering people a kind hear and a loving hand wherever I go.”

She was followed by Anna, 14, who said: “One of my favorite topics was spiritual warfare. Satan is always trying to tempt us through things that either look good, feel good, or taste good. He wants us to scare and lead us to sin. But we don’t have to be afraid of him,” she told the congregation. “He has no power over us because we have the sacraments and prayer to guard us. I will rely on God’s power to protect and guide me through my life.”

Ena, 14, just couldn’t say enough about her favorite part of the study – the saints. “I really enjoyed learning about the many different saints throughout my time in the Young Woman of Grace program,” she said. “I can apply their stories to my own life because they are easy to relate to. In high school, I will rely on these saints and their intercession.”

Young Women of Grace co-author Susan Brinkmann also spoke for a few minutes about both programs and the importance of women learning more about their role in society and the Church.

(L/R) Anna, Ena, Maria, Suze Middleton, Christine Adelizzi, Michelle Espinosa, Bernadette Monchauk-Barski

“We need to be prepared to take our rightful place in this world not as objects for entertainment but for who we really are, creatures made in the image and likeness of God with a special gift to imbue this world with life and love – which is our feminine genius.”

But not all women are aware of this special call, which is why the parish is also offering the Women of Grace® program for adult women beginning September 20.

“Even if you don’t have a daughter to enroll in the Young Women of Grace program, this is the perfect opportunity to learn the Church’s foundational teachings about women,” Susan said.

Christine Adelizzi and Bernadette Monchauk-Barski are facilitating the Women of Grace® study at the parish. Michelle Espinosa is facilitating the Young Women of Grace study which begins on Saturday, September 16 and will run every other week until June 2.

For more information, visit Women® of Grace Foundational Study and Young Women of Grace: Embrace Your Femininity

If you want to discover your feminine genius, or are looking to be renewed in your vocation as a daughter of God, Join us for an exciting weekend conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico from September 8-10. Click here for more information!

Catholic Women’s Leadership Studies: An Answer to Prayer!

Deanna Williston

Deanna Williston

When 45-year-old Deanna Williston of Sykesville, Maryland completed her Master’s degree in Education this year, this former home-schooling mom wondered “What next?” But then she heard about the Benedicta Leadership Institute’s new Catholic Women’s Leadership program at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and suddenly it all clicked – “This is it for me!”

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Women of Grace® Takes Catholic Women’s Leadership Education to New Levels

holy apostles with signWomen of Grace®, a pioneer in Catholic Women’s Leadership education, has entered into a partnership with historic Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut which will now offer certification, undergraduate and graduate credit hours in Catholic Women’s Leadership in an online format.

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Young Women of Grace & CCD – A Perfect Fit!

Alicia McDermottThe Young Women of Grace program is just over a year old and, thanks to the creativity and generosity of women leaders, is finding its way into a variety of settings which now include CCD classes.

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