Dr. Wayne Dyer

                                               Wayne Dyer (1940 – 2015)

MR writes: “I have Catholic friends who really like Wayne Dyer on PBS and tell me that he believes the same as we do.  I think he is a new ager who twists the truth.  Would you do a program about the incompatibility of his work with Catholicism or share your insights about him on your blog page?  I need your help in expressing my concerns about him.”

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Group Says Bleach is the New Miracle Cure

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Believe it or not, a church claiming to exist for the purpose of serving mankind claims to have discovered a “miracle cure” capable of curing 95 percent of all diseases found in the world today. What is this miraculous substance? None other than industrial bleach.

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Kyokushin Karate

CB asks: “Someone recently asked me if Martial Arts was included in the New Age, in particular the Kyokushin Karate method. He knows someone heavily involved in this and wanted to find out if there was a problem with it.  Could you please let me know if you have a booklet on this aspect, or any information about whether this is dangerous to The Catholic Faith?”

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Best Exercise for Mood & Brain Health? (Hint: It’s Not Yoga)

It appears that yoga fanaticism has taken over more than just the stretch pants and exercise mat industry. Now it’s laying claim to happiness by insisting that it improves the mood of participants. Maybe someone needs to tell yoga fans that all exercise improves mood, and some actually do this better than yoga.

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Aegea: Where Multi-Level Marketing & Pseudoscience Meet

PF asks: “Do you have any information on company called Aegea? It is a multi-level marketing company selling Quantum Energy Cards, Nitro Qubits and a host of other things that supposedly heal all sorts of ailments through resonance frequency. Wonderful Christian friends have bought into this hook, line and sinker! Would appreciate you taking a look at this company’s claims and assessing them. I think it’s a scam, or New Age beliefs at the worst.”

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Can Catholics Use Past Life Regression Therapy?

LN asks: “My friend, a Catholic, went to a therapist who used hypnosis to take her back to a previous life. She was all excited about it and said finding out that she had been a male surgeon in a past life made certain things about her life make more sense. Are Catholics allowed to participate in this kind of therapy?”

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Dangers of Landmark

Werner Erhard (Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons, AkashOM, CC BY-SA 4.0)

SC writes: “My sister, a confirmed Catholic and the godmother of my daughter, attended a Landmark Forum last weekend in Cincinnati.  She was “invited” by her boyfriend.  After looking at a website on cults and watching a video that a French TV station did on this group, I do believe that it is a cult. It has been around for awhile, but seems to have really hit the Midwest.  I looked on your New Age blog but couldn’t find an entry on this particular group.  I told her it is anti-Christian and at the very least, she will be out of a lot of money.  She has already signed up for more weekends, and asked me why I thought it was anti-Christian.  What could be wrong with trying to make your relationships better with family and friends, she says? She is a smart woman and so is the boyfriend – I can’t understand how they could be drawn to something which is such a scam.”

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