Are Cleansing Diets Associated With Scientology?

L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard

EA writes: “I just read today that “Master Cleansing” has Scientology roots, but I also read a book by Dr. Don Cobert, M.D. that I purchased that promotes cleansing/detoxing using a similar cleanse using lemon juice, cayanne pepper, maple syrup,etc… I found him on the Joyce Meyer programs back in the 90s . . . should I keep his books in the house?”

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Can the Human Mind Create Life?

The Secret book coverCA writes: “My sisters combine the ‘theology,’–and I use that term loosely–of the book, The Secret, with solid Catholic teaching. They both have devotions to the saints, the rosary, go to Sunday Mass, etc. That’s why I find it so troubling. Something in my gut tells me this book’s advice cannot be fully reconciled with the Truth found in our Church. . . . (D)o you have any information that specifically addresses the issues of using the mind to “create a life,” and how does one factor in God’s will into that?”

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