Is Susan Sly New Age?

PC writes: “What do you know about the ‘Women can have it all’ conference, by Susan Sly that was in Toronto. This appears to be a self empowerment movement, and they are very  evangelistic. Ones career is to ‘travel, and spread the good news’ that you can have it all, and the evidence that they have it all , is that they travel around telling everyone ‘look at me, how fantastic I am’. Is it New Age? Is all self empowerment fall into New Age? It does seem to be contrary to Christ’s call to pick up our cross daily and follow him, or  to be humble and meek of heart.”

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Tommy Newberry and Philippians 4:8

GF writes: “I used to be a fan of Brian Tracy, Joseph Murphy and Terry Cole Whittaker untiI I started recognizing that their teachings seem to deviate from bible principles although their books quote Bible verses to make their point. So I stopped reading their books. I recently purchased a book called The 4:8 Principal, the Secret of a Joy Filled Life  by Tommy Newberry. Would you please advise if his motivational teachings are aligned with biblical teachings.”

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Focusing is Not New Age

CG asks: “What about focusing?”

Focusing is not New Age although it can certainly be used in that way by psychotherapists who espouse a New Age worldview. There are also versions of it that incorporate Buddhist mindfulness meditation techniques into the practice of focusing which is why people should be cautious when approaching this kind of therapy.

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More Catholic Bashing at AA Meetings

MT writes: “Every time I go to a AA meeting I hear another fallen-away Catholic say how they suffered and hate the Church now. If I share my good experience of real Catholic faith, they make sure they shoot it down .I pray in reparation for these bigoted actions but I’m tired of it. I go to gain strength and I go out feeling alone and ridiculed. If I dare challenge what they say, all of the people in the room say ‘why are you being so sensitive we’re only joking around’. I don’t know what to do.”

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Can We Wear Yoga-Inspired Shoes?

JR writes: “I was on QVC looking for a comfortable pair of ballet flats.  Wouldn’t ya’ know?  I landed on what appeared to be a very cute, comfortable shoe that was being featured on air.  Oh – it was soooo cute – sooo comfortable.  It was a new design by Kalso also known for the “Earth Shoe.”  The Kalso Rep spoke about how Kelso was a “yogi” and designed one of the “poses” right into the shoe; the body would be in alignment. Is it okay to buy these?”

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Workers Fired for Not Attending Scientology Classes

We hosted a webinar in March about the Human Potential Movement which explains how many of today’s large group awareness programs being offered in American companies are New Age or based in religions that are not compatible with Christianity. The following story is an excellent example of how this is being done – and what happens to employees who complain!

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