Tuning Forks are For Pianos, Not People

PM writes: “I have MS and have been to many physicians. A local chiropractor has a new therapy using tuning forks and life energy. I am a Catholic and am suspicious of some of these ‘cures’ that have been postulated. These tuning forks are said to redirect the energy in the body. Do you think this is for real?”

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What Price Are You Willing to Pay to Achieve a “Super Conscious State”?

DS asks: “I was wondering if you would comment on the Unified Therapy approach to healing?   As far as I can see there are no contradictions to what the Church teaches and it would be a viable mode of therapy.  I had one session (won as a gift certificate) a few days ago that was pretty powerful to me. Here is the website of a Unified Therapist that I met with: http://www.jimfazioib.com/

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Latest New Age Quackery Promises to Rewrite Your Quantum Hologram (whatever that means)

KE writes: “I know someone who is undergoing treatment from a holistic healer. During the sessions they use something called quantum therapy vials. The person holds magnetic vials in his hands and his responses to questions are monitored. There is some talk of energy and while I am not entirely certain as to what happens at the appointment it seems like it may be something to avoid. Could you tell me if quantum therapy vials are new age?”

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TRX Suspension Training Makes Yoga Look Like Toddler’s Play

RM writes: “Have your heard of TRX Training? It appears to be fine in that it apparently started with Navy seals. However, I was wondering if you had a better understanding of it’s inspirations, influences, and anything else important. If this training is okay, then the question becomes is it ok to be supporting a pilates studio by taking just TRX training there. (I saw your comment on tending to think it’s fine to belong to a gym – like a YMCA – and not participate in the questionable classes. However, is it likewise ok to take classes at a pilates studio – not a general gym – that offers TRX training? FYI it does not offer yoga.)” 

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