Why Mind-Blanking Exercises are Dangerous for Children

PM writes: “My children attend a Catholic Primary school in Australia. They tell me they do meditation at school and use the word ‘Maranatha.’ Is this in line with Catholic teaching? Should I exclude them from these sessions. I just read a blog of yours about centering prayer, (John Main). This seems to be exactly what they do, empty their minds and repeat the word ‘Maranatha’. What do you think?

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Catholic School Promotes Belief in Fairies

MR writes: “Our kindergarten son’s music teacher plays a rap song where the boys are told to “hiss like a snake”  and a song about fairies also.  Our son refuses to participate in either song.  He raised his hand and said that there are no such things as ‘fairies’ to which the class, the kindergarten teacher and the music teacher all agreed that there were fairies…Since then he has been teased and excluded and it’s making him sad and angry.  Do you have any info on fairies in the new age realm that we could pass on to the teachers about why we should not be chastised for NOT teaching our child about fairies?”

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