The Tarnished Star of the Long Island Medium

RM writes: “I used to love the Long Island Medium show because Teresa Caputo seems so real, but my friends say she’s a phony who uses typical tricks to fool the audience into thinking she’s connecting with their deceased loved ones. Is this true?”

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Can Laughter Yoga Bring About World Peace?

FC writes: “What do you know about Laughter Yoga? The teachers at our Catholic School were planning on a session with the children and then incorporate it into the curriculum.  When the pastor found out, he had the principal cancel it, Praise the Lord.  We have been on the site for it and knew it was pagan but we need something we can give to the teachers who went to a training session for Laughter Yoga.”

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Is Biospiritual Focusing Okay for Catholics

We recently had a caller on EWTN’s Wacky Wednesday radio show who said a local Catholic retreat center was offering biospiritual focusing. She wondered if this was a New Age practice and if it was something that belongs in a Catholic retreat facility.

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If Buddhism Isn’t a Religion, Can Catholics Practice It?

PC writes: “Over the weekend I had a conversation with a few people (felt like a firing squad really) where they were saying it is perfectly fine for a Catholic to also be a Buddhist. Their argument was that Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy for interior peace and nothing is contradictory to what Jesus said and did (to me Galatians 5:22-23 debunks this issue as God sends the Holy Spirit that gives us everything; therefore, Jesus is truly the “all in all”). The lengthy part of the argument was to say that Buddhism gives the peace that Christianity does not. Of course I argued the opposite to all of this but did not make a dent. Do you know of any good resources that I can look at?”

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Is Guided Imagery and Visualization New Age?

JB asks: “I would like to know if relaxation exercises such as visualization and abdominal breathing who have proven to relieve anxiety are accepted by our Faith. I’m not talking about visualizations where one’s soul supposedly “leaves the body” or anything weird like that but those where one thinks about a scenery and after a while releases fears and stress somewhere (perhaps a cloud, a hole in the ground, etc.) or sees them fade or disintegrate.”

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