Shen Yun: The Disturbing Backstory

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Over the past month, we have received several requests from people who received gifts to Shen Yun performances as Christmas gifts. At first, I was surprised by the question because I had seen ads in my hometown for these shows and thought they looked like spectacular performances (albeit a bit pricey). But then I started to do a little research and was quite surprised by what I found.

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Meditative Forest Bathing . . . at a Catholic Retreat?

We recently received an email from someone who asked whether a practice known as Meditative Forest Bathing is appropriate for a Catholic retreat. If it was just a matter of taking a stroll through the forest – yes – but Meditative Forest Bathing isn’t quite that simple.

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Faithful Demand Cancellation of Disney Cartoon Promoting Witchcraft to Children

Before Christmas, it was a book teaching children how to contact demons; now it’s a new Disney cartoon series called The Owl House that not only promotes witchcraft to children, it features a sorceress and a “friendly” demon who help a young girl fulfill her dream of becoming a witch.

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Acupuncture Remains Scientifically Unconvincing

JE writes: “I am seeking advice on acupuncture to help with back pain and depression.  I have researched a little on valid health websites and have found some information that acupuncture might work.  From a spiritual perspective is it as dangerous as practices reiki, or is there some gray area?  Also what about seeking out a herbalist who I know is into New Age. I would be seeking the medicinal route, but even the thought of him touching me, makes me nervous.  I think his herbs would not have anything put on them.”

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