Reader Recounts “Terrible” Experience with Order of Exorcists

We recently published a blog about the so-called Order of Exorcists which many believe is a legitimate order of the Catholic Church. They are not! The following testimony is from someone who found out the hard way that this organization is to be avoided at all costs (literally).

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Yoga Instructor Followed “Voice” That Got Her Lost for 17 Days

A 35-year-old physical therapist and yoga instructor said she was following a “voice” during a hike on Maui that not only got her lost, but left her stranded in the wilderness for 17 days.

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The Feldenkrais Method

CF writes: “I live in an over 55 community that is constantly promoting yoga and other ‘fitness’ programs. The newest program being offered to the seniors is the Feldenkrais Method . . . Are you familiar with this method of fitness? Is this another ‘New Age’ type program? I looked on the website and it sure looks like one to me. What concerns me the most is that no “religious” activities are allowed at the Club House, no services or Bible studies, yet they offer several of these “yoga” type programs. Would you be so kind as to help me address this?”

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