The Facts About Energy-based Massage

We have numerous questions from both patients and health care providers about the use of energy massage techniques such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Hands of Light, Reiki, etc. in hospitals and hospice care. Are these practices New Age; if so, why are they so prevalent in health care facilities?

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Is My Teen Involved in Witchcraft?

We have been receiving a lot of mail lately from concerned parents who have found unusual objects in their teens’ bedrooms and worry that their children might have been lured into one of the hottest trends among teens today – witchcraft. What signs should a parent look for in order to determine if their child is dabbling in the dark arts?

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Best Exercise for Mood & Brain Health? (Hint: It’s Not Yoga)

It appears that yoga fanaticism has taken over more than just the stretch pants and exercise mat industry. Now it’s laying claim to happiness by insisting that it improves the mood of participants. Maybe someone needs to tell yoga fans that all exercise improves mood, and some actually do this better than yoga.

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Aegea: Where Multi-Level Marketing & Pseudoscience Meet

PF asks: “Do you have any information on company called Aegea? It is a multi-level marketing company selling Quantum Energy Cards, Nitro Qubits and a host of other things that supposedly heal all sorts of ailments through resonance frequency. Wonderful Christian friends have bought into this hook, line and sinker! Would appreciate you taking a look at this company’s claims and assessing them. I think it’s a scam, or New Age beliefs at the worst.”

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Can Catholics Use Past Life Regression Therapy?

LN asks: “My friend, a Catholic, went to a therapist who used hypnosis to take her back to a previous life. She was all excited about it and said finding out that she had been a male surgeon in a past life made certain things about her life make more sense. Are Catholics allowed to participate in this kind of therapy?”

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Prayer Blankets

EW writes:I am writing for information about a gift that I received from some Catholic women friends. I have heard them talk about the practice of Reiki and Healing Touch. They are involved with it in the hospital settings. They call it a prayer blanket and they are hand-made from cloth material. It is 17″ x 17″, the back and front are beautifully quilted. In the front is a centered cross. The prayer blanket comes with a prayer blessing for the one that places it on the part of the body that needs prayer. I heard a priest in his homily that Catholic school children made prayer blankets and sent them to the missions for a school project. Does this have anything to do with the New Age?”

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