Anthroposophy/Waldorf and Catholic Homeschooling

JM asks: “Can a Catholic take elements from Waldorf/Steiner/anthroposophy into a Christian home? How dangerous is it to implement some of the New Age elements within the home? This is a big problem with  Catholic homeschoolers, but it isn’t addressed in other places. To me it’s completely obvious it’s New Age and stay clear, but I do know there is individual free consciences.”

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Sister Joan Chittister and the Ordination of Women

KW writes: “I recently attended an advent series on Social Justice. The presenter was a fan of Sister Joan Chittister. I did a little reading and see that she is anything but Catholic. Could you please add her to your list of new age topics so that we can stay informed?”

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Supplements – Good Searchable Indexes for Vitamins and Herbs

Connie asks: “I have a question about using vitamins and herbs. I take a multivitamin, Vit E, Vit C, Acidolpholis, Calcium, Magnesium, and zinc daily. I also take for peri-menopause Black Cohosh Extract and Alpha Lipoic Acid(which has helped me greatly) daily. Would any of these vitamins or herbs be considered New Age and should I stop taking any of them?”

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