Woman Dies After Attending Vipassana Retreat

Another healthy young person committed suicide after attending a 10-day Vipassana retreat, known as a Goenke retreat, raising questions about the safety of these programs which require participants to sit in a silent meditative state for 10-11 hours a day.

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Boy Scouts Order of the Arrow Linked to Freemasonry

J asks: “As my boys move through Boy Scouts, they have an opportunity to join something called the Order of the Arrow. One year during Scout O’Rama, there was a small ceremony for this which my husband attended and said it was very strange. It has come up again, so I started looking up information. I did find that it was started by two members of the freemasons. There is a correspondence between the rituals of the Order of the Arrow and the rituals of the freemasons. Knowing it started from the freemasons is enough for me to know that this is not a good thing. Do you have any other information about this Order of the Arrow in which the Boy Scouts of America have an opportunity to participate?”

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The Dark Side of Oxford High School Shooter Ethan Crumbley

Oxford High School (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Adrienne of Oxford, CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)

According to testimony revealed during the trial of the mother of Oxford High School shooter Ethan Crumbley, the boy was plagued by a “dark side,” had thoughts of violence, heard voices that he couldn’t stop, and believed himself to be the devil.

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