Am at EWTN. Today’s guests were the Hard as Nails Ministries guys — Justin Fatica, Brian Greenfield and Tim Hanley. They preach with what I call “cutting-edge evangelization.” To give you a sample of what I mean, check out this poetic dramatization by its author, Tim Hanley. I find it AMAZING!
PS These guys are sold out to Our Lady. Yippee!
Category Archives: Johnnette’s Blog
Facilitator Spotlight: Barbara Mancuso
My name is Barbara Mancuso, a parishioner at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Clermont, Florida.
Being a convert to the faith approximately 20 years ago, my journey continues. In my desire to learn the Catholic faith and my purpose as a Cathloic woman, I participated in the Women Of Grace Study program 4 years ago. It was a profound turning point in deepening my faith not only as a Catholic, but as a woman in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. I was hearing many theological truths about why God created woman and truly seeking my role in that plan. This to me was not just “another bible study”. So many answers to questions I didn’t know how to ask! Read the rest…
Ireland Trip — Dublin
Arrived in Dublin on June 16. Beautiful day! Sunny, warm. Met Therese McCrystal. Like the day: sunny, warm, and charming. Immediate connection. Off to a drive around Dublin.
Julia sang Molly Malone at Molly Malone bronze statue in city. So cute! But Molly needs a cover-up!
Stopped at Carmelite church. Lovely. Relics of St. Valentine and St. Pius X. Got there in time for Mass. Praise God! Loved the depiction of the Rood — a very meaningful image to me.
Would like to go back to Dublin to explore to city more fully. Next time, God willing.
Facilitator Spotlight: Lisa Marinik
Six years ago, I had a heart attack due to stress, not blockage. Though my recovery was complete, I felt brokenness within my heart.
Looking back, I can see God’s hand during my recovery. His tenderness was felt in the eyes of my husband, Ken. His strength was experienced in the hands of the cardiac rehab staff.
While recuperating, I became an EWTN junkie. I watched The Abundant Life and later began watching the Women of Grace® TV programs and learned much from Johnnette, Fr. Ed and their guests. Johnnette’s enthusiasm made me yearn for peace and purpose.
One day, after prayer, I asked myself, “Could I become a woman of grace?” At daily Mass, a hunger for Scripture began to grow in my heart. I signed up for my first bible study at St. Timothy’s Church, on Revelation, and realized that I had jumped into deep waters. My table leader encouraged me to be persistent and watch the Holy Spirit work through the study. A few months into the study, Scripture began to come alive for me. The following year, I was asked to be a table leader. Though I had my doubts, prayer once again opened my heart and I gave a reluctant “yes.”
Immersing myself in the lessons, I sensed that God wanted me to have a more active faith. I began volunteering at St. Joseph’s Hospital and there I met a pastoral care volunteer who had a deep Marian devotion and an interior radiance. “Now there’s a woman of grace,” I thought. Little did I know, that only a few short years later, I would volunteer as a Eucharistic Minister at the same hospital where I went through cardiac rehab.
Last year, a bible study facilitator gave me a flier for the Women of Grace® study series at St. Lawrence Church in Tampa. I wasn’t sure what was involved, but knew I needed to attend. Once again, God was calling my name. The facilitators, Isabelle and Amy, modeled a spirit of receptivity, trust, and surrender. Through the study, I began to pray more before the Blessed Sacrament, to say the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. As a result, I experienced Our Lady as my spiritual mother and a deeper sense of peace and healing in my heart. It seemed that the Women of Grace study ended too soon but I knew it was time for me to leave the upper room and become an “apostle” for Jesus and Mary.
Spiritually transformed and energized, I was inspired to serve God as a Women of Grace facilitator. In May, I co-facilitated a small group in my home. At times it felt like I was on training wheels, yet the Holy Spirit worked through my imperfections and it was a blessing to bond with my spiritual sisters. In June, I co-facilitated a larger group at St. Mark the Evangelist. The scripture passage “And Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life….Instead, seek His kingdom…for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'”
As a former corporate trainer, I learned that facilitating a spiritual study, like Women of Grace, is propelled by the Holy Spirit. When I surrender to God’s love, He does the rest.
I am grateful to Our Lady for the gift of a holy boldness. God truly qualifies the unqualified. How blessed I feel to play a small part in the anointed work of Women of Grace®.
Dialing Heaven
“Grandma,” called my almost five-year old granddaughter from the backseat of the car.
“Yes, Julia,” I replied.
“Grandma, do you know Jesus’ phone number?”
“No darling, I don’t. But sometimes I sure wish I did!”
“Well, how do we talk to Him?”
“Oh,” I said, “we just have to pray — even in our hearts — and He hears us.”
“How do we know what He says back?”
“Julia, Jesus always answers us. But we hear His answers in our heart. We have to listen very carefully.”
Things were quiet for a few minutes.
“Julia, what are you doing?” I asked.
“Shhhh — Grandma. I’m listening.”
Are you listening today?
“And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. ” — 1 Kings 19: 11-12
Happy 4th of July
Happy Independence Day!
Blessed John Paul II said, “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.”
Today, this holy concept of freedom is being challenged from Supreme Court decisions to decisions made in our local schools and communities. In the face of it all, we can become discouraged, beleagured, and sick at heart.
Let me offer a bit of encouragement I received this morning as I offered a prayer for our country. These words are given to us by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 35. May we find in them hope for our day and time, and direction for our actions: Read the rest…
My Secret Garden
Yesterday I was doing some weeding in my garden and there, once again, I came upon my archenemy — a prolific weed against which I wage a war. Sprouting tendrils from the mother plant, it creeps its way along the ground’s surface in search of one of my pretty blossoms and blooms. Spying its prey, it coils itself around my dainty bloom, plants a root system nearby, and attempts to suck the life out of my lovely flower. Also, click here for all information related to flowers.
“Aha, “ I said. “We meet again!” And mustering up energy and strength, I waged a fierce battle, grabbed it by its vine and yanked it out, triumphant for the moment!
But before I too quickly raised a toast to victory, I knew the war had not been won. The weed would return. Yes, it would come back again, impervious to my latest win. In this war, vigilance was required, steadfastness of heart, fortitude and resolve, humility and perseverance. These would hold me firm in my fight, and help me sustain the zeal and vigor that I need.
Yes, with the help of grace, the battle will be won – maybe not in time, perhaps only in eternity, when I see Jesus face to face, and all is made new (Rev. 21:5).
Dear Bonnie…
A few days ago a member of my high school graduating class passed away. Bonnie had always been the type of person who was on the periphery of events, parties, dances, and all of the social things that make up a high school experience. In many ways, she was challenged – not intellectually but in other ways that can make teenage years tough.
Her last days sound as if they were as challenging as those earlier days. And she left the world seemingly bereft of the parents whom she buried and any close personal friends. Fortunately, another classmate was made aware of her death through a professional acquaintance. He notified the rest of us. Read the rest…
Facilitator Spotlight: Treva Dillick
My journey to this Women of Grace® ministry began some years ago at the first women’s conference held at the Franciscan University of Steubenville where Johnnette Benkovic was one of the keynote speakers. I remember talking with her briefly after her presentation and sharing my appreciation for her spirituality.
In May 2009 Johnnette was again speaking at a local Magnificat breakfast. I was excited and hoped I would get a chance to share how she impacted my life and spiritual journey. During her testimony she spoke briefly about the Women of Grace® foundational study and my heart began to pound. After breakfast I was able to tell Johnnette how much her ministry had meant to me through the years and that I was attracted to the Women of Grace study. Johnnette encouraged me to attend the Benedicta Leadership and Women of Grace® Conference at the Malvern Retreat Center that July.
After speaking with her, I wandered over to the book table and asked Joanne Kane about the Women of Grace® kit and then immediately began to rationalize… “I don’t know if I can facilitate this study.” “My pastor might not even be open to having this study in our parish.” I stood frozen in place, my heart racing. Johnnette came over to where I stood immobilized. She smiled at me and I told her I thought I was supposed to buy the kit. She asked, “Can I pray with you?” She prayed, prophesying that the Lord was calling me to be the spiritual mother of many women. I was shocked because a week earlier my spiritual director had told me that the Lord wanted to use my “mother” heart. I bought the kit, and told Johnnette I’d see her in Pennsylvania.
I went to the Benedicta Leadership conference where many graces were poured out on me. Martha, one of the facilitators there said if I went home and my parish priest refused to allow the study, “Don’t get discouraged. Have the study in your home if you have to.”
I went home full of enthusiasm, affirmed, and ready to begin the study. I went to my parish priest and he said no. God in His faithfulness had prepared me for that no.
A few days later a close friend and her husband came for dinner. I shared my excitement about the study and my disappointment that Fr. had said no. She said, “Why don’t you come and give an information night at my parish for our women’s Altar Society.” I wanted to get permission from her pastor so I made an appointment with him. All he could talk about was how much he loved watching Johnnette on EWTN and gave an enthusiastic yes.
I gave the information night and quickly the study and the participants came together. At the end of that study the women were eager to begin study number two at their parish. The Altar Society president agreed to facilitate the next study and continues to work diligently to continue study after study in the parish.
Out of that first study has come more facilitators with several other women volunteering for future studies to come. Not only are they continuing the study in their own parish, but have reached out to their cluster parishes now on their third study with new facilitators, like an elderly woman who went through the study twice and decided she had to become a facilitator herself.
I facilitated a study in my home for a group of women where several women then took the study back to their parishes. In one study a young woman who longed to become pregnant was introduced to the Infant of Prague and the Child Jesus’ desire for her to conceive. We prayed over her and she is very pregnant right now awaiting the birth of her child.
The opportunities are many: a local retreat center where the director hopes to make the Women of Grace series a regular event with two more studies on their calendar for this year; plans for a study at a local Catholic College; and a local Catholic Mom’s group leader desiring to bring the study to other moms.
One of my lovely sacred sisters in her late eighties said it best, “I have to confess, I only came to this study because my friend just kept after me. I thought, ‘What could I possibly learn that I don’t already know at this point in my life?’ But I learned that I had forgotten so much that I once knew, and I learned so much that I never knew. I am grateful to have been part of this study.”
Our God desires to pour out His love on his daughters, to grow in intimacy with them.
I can only echo the words of Our Blessed Mother:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, My spirit rejoices in God my Savior; For he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.”Drawn to the Cross
Have you made good use of your time of Lenten preparation? NOW is the perfect time to reflect and prepare for the great paschal mystery which will soon be upon us. In the link below, I share some food for thought for these final hours of Lent. Please take a few moments to listen. Join me in making these last days, the very best days of our Lenten journey!