Pepsi Continues to Back Homosexual Agenda

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Pepsi has decided to continue its tradition of promoting the homosexual agenda in the workplace. The company recently donated a half million dollars to a homosexual advocacy group that supports radical political causes such as same-sex marriage, hate-crime laws and gay adoption.

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Great Week at EWTN

Last week Father Edmund Sylvia, C.S.C. and I were at EWTN taping the next ten programs for The Abundant Life television program. It was a great week filled with great guests and great program topics.

We explored some new topic selections as well as revisiting some that we have explored in the past. Topics include Spiritual Warfare: Engaging the Battle; Bread of Life: The Eucharist and You; Working Out: Building, Strength, Exercising Faith; Don’t you remember? — Exercising the Memory the Christian Way; The Rosary and Healing the Heart; The Mystery of Faith in Signs and Symbols; Perinatal Death: A Special Kind of Sadness;  Barren and Blessed: The Plight of Infertility; Pope Paul VI: The Man and His Legacy.

These new programs will begin to air in early February. A “thank you” to the crew and staff of EWTN, the staff of LHLA, Father Ed, and our guests for making this a truly smooth and great week!

Visit to find out about the weekly program and its resources.




Bishops Call FOCA Attack on Religious Freedom

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released their official statement regarding the election of Barack Obama. While promising to support and pray for him, the statement also a issued bold warning that any attempt by the Obama administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress to pass radical new anti-life laws would be seen as an attack on religious freedom.

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Group Launches “Godless” Christmas Campaign

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

The annual anti-Christmas campaigns are underway. In preparation for the 2008 Christmas season, the American Humanist Association (AHA) is plastering advertisements questioning the existence of God all over metro buses Washington, DC.

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Abortion Fanatics Threaten Lives of Pro-Life Leaders

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

According to Father Frank Pavone, National Director of the pro-life organization, Priests for Life, law enforcement has been called in to investigate threats made against his life and the lives of other pro-life leaders that they began receiving the morning after the election.

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