A Poem for You to Consider

At the Women of Grace Leadership Institute, Martha Nicolli (Boca Raton, Florida, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church) shared the following poem.

It had been printed in her parish bulletin. Today, I pass it along to you to consider.  

Do you trust God? To what extent are you willing to risk to do the will of God? What is He asking you to do now and will you say “yes”?        Read the rest…

Bishop of Fargo Outlines Four Principles of Health Care

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
In an Aug. 28 letter, Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Fargo, encouraged priests, deacons, religious sisters and parishioners to “become engaged in promoting genuine health care reform” and presented four principles upon which the “moral value and justice of a given plan to provide health care” should be evaluated.

Read the rest…