Archbishop Chaput Says No “Common Ground” in Health Care Proposals

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput is speaking out about the government’s misuse of the Catholic concept of common ground, saying that using this label to describe any health care proposal that includes abortion “a lie.”

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Wisconsin Bishops to Contest Mandatory Contraception Coverage

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

In a blatant example of why rigorous conscience protection is needed in the U.S., the state of Wisconsin has passed a new budget in which employers are required to include contraception coverage in their employees’ health insurance. Religious employers are not exempted from the mandate, which prompted the Wisconsin Bishops Conference to issue a strong objection to the policy, calling the move “blatant insensitivity to our moral values and legal rights.”

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A New Vision for “Enabled” Artists

carolesTea_064_LRTwo weeks ago, I was in Huntsville, Alabama for two beautiful and heartwarming events — a tea and a retreat. Both events were the fulfillment of a dream for one very gifted, magnanimous woman, Carole Esk’ridge. A true “woman of grace,” Carole has a vision and mission that can significantly impact the lives of the “poorest of the poor.” And both events were first steps in realizing her dream. If you need any artist related blog then check this out.

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