Notre Dame Priest Calls Eucharistic Adoration “Backward”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

In an article appearing in the National Catholic Reporter, Fr. Richard P. McBrien of the University of Notre Dame said that in earlier times when Catholics were less educated in the faith, Eucharistic adoration had its place. But continuing this practice today is “is a doctrinal, theological, and spiritual step backward.”

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Blatant Hypocrisy in Reaction to Obama School Speech

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Even though negative reaction to President Obama’s speech to school students today is being largely dismissed by liberal media and politicians, a similar speech by President George H. W. Bush in 1991 prompted an extensive investigation on the Hill and media reports accusing him of producing “paid political advertising.”

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A Poem for You to Consider

At the Women of Grace Leadership Institute, Martha Nicolli (Boca Raton, Florida, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church) shared the following poem.

It had been printed in her parish bulletin. Today, I pass it along to you to consider.  

Do you trust God? To what extent are you willing to risk to do the will of God? What is He asking you to do now and will you say “yes”?        Read the rest…