President Pledges to Advance Homosexual Agenda

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

While delivering the keynote address at the annual fundraising dinner for one of the world’s most radical homosexual activist organizations this weekend, President Barack Obama made sweeping promises to the homosexual community, including his intent to sign hate crimes legislation, to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell military policy and the Defense of Marriage Act. He also pledged his continued support for embattled homosexual nominees Kevin Jennings and Chai Feldblum.

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Radio Program Reaches Out

One of the great blessings of Catholic radio is its ability to have a significant impact in the lives of those who listen and, as a program provider for EWTN Global Catholic Radio, I have the opportunity to experience this often.

Take this past Monday’s program for example. At the beginning of the program I shared a little about the difference between good fear and morbid fear and the virtue of trust. Apparently, it struck a chord with a lot of our listeners. Following is one email we received. What touched my heart about this woman’s experience is that she began to see God making a difference in her life almost immediately.

When you have finished reading the piece you can find additional information about the topic by listening to the podcast of our program (go to the website or you can read my post dated 04/28/09.

May God bless you and meet your deepest need!

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New Poll Finds Majority Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A new report based on a recent national survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that while increasing numbers of Americans say they favor civil unions for same-sex couples, the majority remain opposed to same-sex marriage and homosexuality in general.

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White House “Smuggling” Abortion into Health Care Reform

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A spokesman for one of the nation’s largest pro-life groups warns that recent remarks by the White House press secretary on October 7 indicate that the government is still trying to “smuggle” federally funded abortion into health care reform.

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