Speaker Pelosi on Jesus’ Right to Life

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), a pro-abortion Catholic who claimed earlier this year that she had a duty to pursue policies “in keeping with the values” of Jesus Christ, recently refused to answer a reporter who asked when she thought Jesus received the right to life.

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Activist Judge Overturns Proposition 8

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In a ruling that few found surprising, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, who is openly homosexual, has ruled that California’s voter-approved constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, popularly known as Proposition 8, is unconstitutional.

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British Soldier Says Rosary Saved His Life

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist 

A 19 year-old British soldier on patrol in Afghanistan’s notorious Helmand Province was spared from almost certain death when he bent over to pick up his rosary and saw that he was standing on a landmine. Strangely enough, almost the exact same circumstance occurred during World War II to his great-grandfather.

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Pro Life Show Wins Emmy

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A rare moment in the history of the mainstream media occurred recently when a popular pro-life television show based in Cincinnati, Ohio won a regional Emmy award for a show chronicling the compelling case of a woman born with a rare disease who overcame enormous odds to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother.

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“Angels in My Hair” is New Age!

Someone contacted me last week about a book, Angels in My Hair, written by a middle-aged Irish housewife named Lorna Byrne. She said a local Catholic radio station had recently hosted the author in a conference, but she and some of her friends were uneasy about the book’s presentation of angels. It seemed more New Age than Catholic and she was concerned about seeing the book promoted in Catholic circles.

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