Catholic Priest Claims Jesus was the “Greatest Yogi”

The same priest who was involved in a flap over yoga in the UK several years ago and said Jesus was the “greatest yogi” has now introduced mandatory yoga classes at St. Peter’s College in India where a giant picture of Jesus sitting in a yoga position sits at the entrance to the school.

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The Rosary

“If [the pray-er of the Rosary] should listen daily to this secret teaching in the depth of his heart, this prayer would kindle in him the desire of heaven, of the glory of God, and the salvation of souls; it would give him a love of the cross and strength to carry it, and from time to time a foretaste of heaven, a certain savor of eternal life.”
Reginald Garrigou- Lagrange

For Reflection:
What do I think it means to “listen to this secret teaching in the depth” of my heart? To what extent have I experienced any of the spiritual realities of this quote while I have prayed the Rosary? How can I aid myself during my prayer time to listen more closely?

The Rosary

“The proficient who would thus live a little better each day by the spirit of the Rosary, would reach the contemplation of the mystery of Christ, a certain penetrating understand of the life of the mystical body, or of the Church militant, suffering, and triumphant. Under the continual direction of Jesus and of Mary Mediatrix, he would enter increasingly into the mystery of the communion of saints.”
Reginald Garrigou- Lagrange

For Reflection:
According to this quote, what is contemplation of the mystery of Christ? How can the Rosary help us to do this? To what extent do live the spirit of the Rosary?

Pope Announces “Year of the Faith” for 2012-2013

Pope Benedict XVI has announced plans to invoke a “Year of the Faith” for 2012-2013 in order to “give new impetus to the mission of the whole Church to lead men out of the desert in which they often find themselves, to the place of life, of friendship with Christ.”

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