Blessed Mother

“Mary acquired a very special relation with God. The blood of Jesus, the heart of Jesus and the body of Jesus are formed by the blood of Mary. By adoring the blood, the sacred wounds and the heart of Jesus, we adore something proceeding from Mary which was assumed by the Son of God.”
Blessed James Alberione

For Reflection:
Jesus is in Mary. And Mary is in Jesus. How blessed is this Mother! How blessed am I that she is my spiritual mother! How holy are you, O Woman of Grace. Draw me by cords of love to your Immaculate Heart, and with those cords chain me to the Sacred Heart of your Son, my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Blessed Mother

“The Lord could have created a more beautiful heaven, He could have made a larger world, but He could not have created a mother greater than the Mother of God.”
St. Bonaventure

For Reflection:
Why is this statement a true statement? To what extent does it enhance my appreciation of the Blessed Mother and her role in salvation history? Does this quote draw me closer to her?
(See tomorrow’s Grace Line for one holy man’s thoughts on this quote.)

Blessed Mother

“God sends us joys before sorrows, to prepare our hearts; but the joys themselves contain prophecies of the coming sorrows.”
Father Faber writing about the Blessed Mother

For Reflection:
What insight into the action of God in our lives! What are some examples from the life of the Blessed Mother that show the validity of this statement? What are some examples from my own life?

Blessed Mother

“Only after the Last Judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she is much too busy with her children.”
St. John Vianney

For Reflection:
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. How do the apparitions of the Blessed Mother underscore the validity of St. John Vianney’s statement? How has she been busy in your life?