Pope: Better to be Searching Agnostic than Fake Believer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Pope Benedict XVI delivered a provocative message in his final homily on German soil this weekend, telling the faithful that it is better to be a searching agnostic than a fake believer. It was just one of many shining moments on a trip that even the mainstream media are dubbing a “success.”

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“It is he who, after having broken down the ramparts of his passions, ascends with force to the Kingdom of Heaven.”
St. Gregory the Great

For Reflection:
St. Gregory gives us insight into the reward of our efforts to remain chaste. What is it? Can I experience this reward even now? How has this been so in my own life?


“The devil flatters that he may deceive us; he charms that he may injure us; he allures that he may slay us.”
St. John Climacus

For Reflection:
What three tactics of the evil one does this quote reveal? How have I seen them exhibited in my fight to remain chaste? To what extent does this revelation help me to assess my strategy and remain diligent to the fight?


“The tempter, ever on the watch, wages war most violently against those whom he sees most careful to avoid sin.”
Pope Saint Leo the Great

For Reflection:
What can I expect to experience as I wage a war against impurity and seek to practice the virtue of chastity? How can this encourage my efforts?

Lesbian Mayor to Speak at Girl Scouts Annual Convention

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

At a time when Girl Scouts USA is under fire for its association with Planned Parenthood, the New Age, and its choice of controversial role models for girls, the organization appears to be tossing more wood on the flames by choosing to mark its 100th anniversary this year by inviting a prominent lesbian mayor to speak at their annual convention.

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“It is necessary that temptations should happen; for who shall be crowned but he that shall lawfully have fought, and how shall a man fight if there be none to attack him?”
St. Bernard

For Reflection:
How does this help me to fight more strongly against the temptations that assail me including those against the virtue of chastity?

Is Your OnStar Spying on You?

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Anyone who owns a fairly new General Motors product may want to take a closer look at the most recent OnStar terms and conditions – which the company altered to allow them to legally collect GPS data on your vehicle, and possibly sell it to third parties, even after you unsubscribe.

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