More Catholic Bashing at AA Meetings

MT writes: “Every time I go to a AA meeting I hear another fallen-away Catholic say how they suffered and hate the Church now. If I share my good experience of real Catholic faith, they make sure they shoot it down .I pray in reparation for these bigoted actions but I’m tired of it. I go to gain strength and I go out feeling alone and ridiculed. If I dare challenge what they say, all of the people in the room say ‘why are you being so sensitive we’re only joking around’. I don’t know what to do.”

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Is the Vatican Awaiting an Alien Savior?

RR writes: “Greetings from New Zealand: the current pope has gotten a lot of press lately in certain circles as you would know, especially as he is supposed to be the last pope before the rise of the anti-christ, according to a dubious 900 year old, so called prophecy from an Irish monk, known as Malachy. . . . Read the rest…