Workers Fired for Not Attending Scientology Classes

We hosted a webinar in March about the Human Potential Movement which explains how many of today’s large group awareness programs being offered in American companies are New Age or based in religions that are not compatible with Christianity. The following story is an excellent example of how this is being done – and what happens to employees who complain!

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Feast of Pentecost

                                    The Spirit of God rests upon me,

                                    The Spirit of God consecrates me,

                                    The Spirit of God bids me go forth to 

                                       proclaim his peace, his joy.                                   

                                    The Spirit of God sends me forth,

                                    Called to witness the kingdom of Christ

                                                 among all the nations;

                                    Called to proclaim the good news of

                                                 Christ to the poor.

                                     My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.

                                                                        – Antiphon for Pentecost pentacost4



For Reflection: 

In your time of prayer, consider each line of the above antiphon and ask two questions: How does this line apply to the Blessed Virgin Mary?  How does this line apply to me?

Boyfriend Arrested After Tricking Pregnant Girlfriend into Abortion

In a shocking example of what can happen when abortion-causing drugs fall into the wrong hands, a 28 year-old Tampa man is facing first-degree murder charges after tricking his pregnant girl friend into taking the abortion-inducing drug Cytotec, causing her to lose their child.

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