“Love is the key to the mystery. Read the rest…
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Study: Abortion Riskier Than Childbirth
A new study has found that mortality rates for women who had an abortion are significantly higher than those who carried their child to term, dispelling the oft-heard myth that abortion is safer than childbirth.
Florida Allows Three Parent-Adoption
A Florida court has ruled that it will allow a 22 month-old baby girl to be adopted by three parents – a lesbian couple and a homosexual man.
Are Strega Nona Books Okay for Kids to Read?
KE writes: “Strega Nona is a book read at our Catholic school. I hadn’t read it since I was a child. I had forgotten she was a ‘good’ witch who uses spells to cure warts, baldness, etc. That bothered me, but the next sentence sealed the deal. The book reads that even the priests and nuns go to her for help. Am I being overly scrupulous?”
Cardinals Wept as Pope Stepped Down
More and more information about the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is surfacing, such as how the Cardinals in attendance reacted with tears and sorrow when he made the announcement. Read the rest…
Enough Is Enough
“The practices of mortification should be modified by prudence and the advice of a wise director, because it often happens that the Devil urges a soul to excessive penances to tire her and render her unfit for the service of God and the fulfillment of her duties.”
– Anna Maria Taigi
For Reflection:
How does the Devil use excessive mortification against us? Virtue lies in moderation. In light of this, how do I appraise the mortifications I committed to yesterday? Are they excessive? Are they not sacrificial enough? What is the Holy Spirit asking me to do?
What Happens After the Pope Steps Down?
The sudden resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has many Catholics wondering what exactly will happen when the Holy Father officially steps down and leaves the See of Peter vacant.
Grisly Late-Term Abortion Death Prompts Investigation
The horrific death of a 29 year-old woman and her 33 week-old baby after a botched procedure by infamous late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart last week is now the subject of an official investigation.
Pope Benedict Frequently Hinted at Resignation
Over the course of his busy pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI made many comments that now appear to have been prophetic regarding the sudden resignation he announced yesterday.
I Do It For You
“The perfection of a Christian consists in mortifying himself for the love of Christ. Where there is no mortification, there is no great sanctity.”
– St.Philip Neri
For Reflection:
As I begin this season of Lent, how is God asking me to mortify myself that I might be filled more with the things of God than the things of the world? How does this show my love of Christ and lead to greater sanctity?