Bishop: Obama Advocates for What is “Shameful and Criminal”

Brooklyn’s Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio was not mincing words in his latest column, accusing the pro-abortion President Obama of advocating for “that which is shameful and criminal in the eyes of Almighty God” and says those who voted for him are responsible for “a step deeper in the culture of death.”

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Priests in Need of Prayer

FD asks: “Can you please tell me why Fr. Richard Rohr is so popular among Catholics?  I have read some of his stuff and it is definitely new age. Also, can you say something about Fr Diaumid O’Murchu who is even more far out and deals more with religious. I know the bishops of Spain issued a condemnation about his views of religious life.”

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Women Still Have a Long Way to Go to Achieve Equality

In a hard-hitting piece published in The Edmunton Journal, Naomi Lakritz says that 50 years after the publication of Betty Friedan’s landmark book, The Feminine Mystique, too many women are still being abused and oppressed around the world while others remain hostages to “feminist groupthink”.

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US Bishops Reject Latest HHS Mandate Accommodation

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a statement yesterday afternoon informing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that the Feb. 1 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking changes to the controversial birth control mandate falls short of addressing the Church’s concerns about the infringement of their conscience rights.

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