HHS Bungles Attempt to Revise Mandate

A new attempt by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to placate religious organizations who are suing the government for forcing them to violate their beliefs in order to provide free contraception coverage to employees has once again fallen short of the mark with the revisions being described as just another “fig leaf” over an otherwise discriminatory mandate.

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March for Life 2013 Journal by Vicki Crispo

Women of Grace Peggy Pritchard, Anne Rohrbaugh, Joanne Hudak, Paula Smeigh, Robin Enochs, Marci McKinnon, Bernadette Bernardy, Judy Auchey, Vicki Crispo & Ellyn Shelly

The idea took life after the 39th annual March for Life in 2012 when, during a Women of Grace Facilitator Network Conference call, my sister regional coordinator, Peggy Pritchard passionately presented her reflections from the March For Life and challenged us to make plans for 2013. Regional Coordinators Martha Nicolli and Jennie Stanbro joined in the discussion and with Johnnette’s enthusiastic encouragement, we made plans to officially represent Women of Grace at the March For Life in our nation’s capital on the 40th memorial of Roe vs. Wade. Read the rest…