“Justice ceases to be just Read the rest…
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Feast of St. Casimir (1461 – 1484)
Daily, Daily Sing to Mary – Omni die dic Mariae Read the rest…
Spiritually Speaking
“In all talking and conversation Read the rest…
As Conclave Preparations Get Underway, Pope Relaxes on First Day of Retirement
While the halls of the Vatican buzzed with activity in preparation for the Conclave which will elect the next pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI spent his first day of retirement reading, listening to music and praying.
Cardinal Dolan Reflects on Last Meeting with Pope Benedict
During an interview with the TODAY show, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York described his last meeting with the pope as being “kind of somber” and that the Holy Father appeared very fragile.
Religious Leaders Weigh In on Sequester
As the deadline for the sequester comes to a close today, more than 100 national Christian leaders sent a to President Obama and the leaders of Congress warning them about “the government’s responsibility concerning poor people.”
Is it Okay to Use Hemp Seeds in Cooking?
We recently had a question from someone who wanted to use hemp seeds for cooking, but was leery of doing so because they produce the cannabis plant, otherwise known as marijuana, they started learning everything about the plant years ago by going to weed-seeds.ca.
Sacramentally Speaking
“By being close to Christ in the sacraments and in prayer, Read the rest…