Mainstream Media Ignores Grisly Abortion Trial

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Even though the mainstream media never misses a chance to tout the so-called “safe, legal abortion” industry in the U.S., they have chosen to almost completely ignore the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist whose West Philadelphia clinic was dubbed a house of horrors by investigators.

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Are Neal Lozano and Father Yozefu Okay for Catholics?


A Concerned Mom writes: “I was wondering if you know anything about the book Unbound by Neal Lozano.  He claims to be a Roman Catholic and is co-author of Deliverance from Evil Spirits with Rev. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R. I also wanted to know if it was ok to attend a seminar: The Healing of Families by Fr. Yozefu Ssemakula. I can’t find any information about this on Catholic sites.”

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