“Every person must embrace the state for which God intends him. Read the rest…
Monthly Archives: March 2013
The “Apostolic Pardon”, a Lost Treasure for Most Catholics
Months before my father died last year, I explained to him this amazing gift of the “Apostolic Pardon” and told him to desire it when death approaches even if a priest did not arrive in time. During his final days on earth, I stood at the end of his hospital bed and reminded him of our conversation. I am so glad I did.
Now I wish to share it with you… Read the rest…
Vatican Imposes Media Silence
After too much information about the doings of the College of Cardinals was released to the press, the Vatican has decided to stop all press conferences until after a pope has been selected.
HHS Sued for Gardasil Records
Stonewalling by the Obama Administration has forced a public advocacy group to resort to filing a lawsuit to force the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to release records concerning payouts to victims of the controversial Gardasil vaccine.
Bible TV Series is a Hit!
A new TV miniseries based on the Bible is drawing huge ratings for The History Channel.
Higher And Higher
“To a great extent the level of any civilization Read the rest…
Growing Holier as a Couple Through the Cardinal Virtues
Happy third week of Lent to all women of grace! If you don’t already know me, my name is Jacqueline Burkepile, and I’m a Catholic newlywed of about nine months. I wrote a blog for Women of Grace in January focusing on becoming a holier wife. I may not be the most experienced wife on the planet, but in nine months, I’ve learned a lot about marriage. I spoke with mine and my husband’s pastor, Fr. Kyle Walterscheid,[1] on how to approach this next blog, and I think you will enjoy the suggestions I have in store for you today. Read the rest…
All Cardinal-Electors Due in Rome by Tomorrow
According to the Vatican press office, the last two remaining Cardinal-electors are expected to be present in Rome by tomorrow, enabling discussion to begin about the date of the Conclave.
US Bishops Applaud Health Care Conscience Rights Act of 2013
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is applauding a new bill introduced this week by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) and 50 other House members which will ensure that federal conscience protection laws currently on the books will be enforced to protect the conscience rights of all Americans.
Experts Disturbed by Falling Life Expectancy Rates for U.S. Women
A new study has added to the increasing amount of evidence that women’s life expectancy rates in the U.S. have been falling for reasons experts cannot yet explain.