doTERRA & Essential Oil Quality

A writes: “I have a question about the company doTerra. I use essential oils on a limited basis on myself and in my practice. I love to use peppermint and eucalyptus to open up the sinuses and for relieving headaches. And many of my clients love the scent of lavender and lemon which seems to help them relax and “settle into” the massage. I have recently begun questioning the integrity of the oils that I have been using, and have made the switch to buying doTerra oils. I have discussed this with my GP and she advised that I stay away from the blends, but that the single oils are of good quality. Do you know anything about the company and its founders? I have heard they are Mormon and use some of the proceeds for charities.”

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Running to the Banquet


It’s May!  And parishes around the world are a flurry of sacraments.  First   Holy Communions and Confirmations testify to God’s continuing presence among us and leave us filled with that lasting Easter joy and bursting hearts.  It’s that time of the liturgical year when God dishes out graces and gifts with generous hands and more places are set at the banquet table.  Our own son Daniel received his first Holy Communion and the sacrament of Confirmation this spring, and although this was our fourth child to be so blessed, I still felt awed at witnessing the young life that’s been entrusted to us be saturated with and transformed by God’s own life. Read the rest…

Courageous Teen Convert Continues to Risk All for Jesus

bary bookSix years ago, the nation was captivated by the story of a young teen named Rifqa Bary who was forced to flee her family home in Ohio after converting from Islam to Christianity. Even though she still can’t reveal her whereabouts, her new book chronicles her journey from a life of fear into that of a happy Christian college student who is now free to love the God who set her free.

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