“Savior, your divine plan for the world is a Read the rest…
“Savior, your divine plan for the world is a Read the rest…
The mother of a daughter with Down Syndrome recently published a copy of the heart wrenching letter she sent to the doctor who advised her to abort the child who has become the joy of her family.
MG writes: “ . . . [M]y wife has been ill for many years and we have gone to all kinds of alternative medical people and have gained nothing. Now she has gotten an infra red wand and is treating herself with this. We got it from a Chinese person who does this for a living. I would like to know if this is the same as acupuncture and with the new age movement.”
“We can do no great things, only small Read the rest…
In a rare sign of unity, the three branches of Christianity who oversee one of the Holy Land’s most precious sites – the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – have put aside their differences to join together in critically needed renovations of the site.
A Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Read the rest…